Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NYC 2057

Monday, May 19, 2008


A few weeks back a coworker confessed to me that she though her son was gay. She also though her son was being harassed by other students at his school... Burns Middle School in Brandon.... She told me it had gone beyond names into slashing his bike tires and other acts of vandalism. She told me she felt helpless because the school administrators told her they could do nothing.

At this point, I dropped an email to PFLAG in brandon, who were sympathetic but told me they believed the principal was "fair" whatever that means.

I got an IM today at work that she was leaving because her son had been "in a fight" and had a black eye. There is a pattern of violence at this school that seems to be escalating with each passing year. There's at least one article at the St. Pete times about a girl at burns being bullied by other female students. In this case, her son was being bullied by male students.

Who's fault is it when students commit homophobic violence. In the case of that highly publicized video from polk county where one student is locked in a house and beaten while other students look on, the parents confess that "there was nothing they could do."

I feel helpless. How much do I stick my nose in when it's clearly none of my concern, except... when someone is beaten because they are gay... it really is my concern. But what to do...??? Especially realizing that there are only a very few days left in school.

I feel helpless, angry and very much saddened. And it's not even about blame... because it's my fault to. It's my fault I allow this in the city where I live.

'Deeply insulting to transexuals'

I'm doing some marketing work for St. Pete Pride in addition to doing their website. I did a series of ads for them, mostly optimistic and sunny with this one being the exception. We got feedback this week from several "transexual activists" who think the ad is "deeply insulting to transexuals". Honestly, I don't get it. This ad features a drag queen.... nothing more. I don't think it demeans anyone's sexuality... in fact quite the opposite. I think it's a strong statement on the transient nature of gender and society's gender roles. Anywho... call me what you want, just spell my name correctly.

Love and Peace to all

Thursday, May 15, 2008

wv... toothless and racist

The moment

There are moments in time where the universe spins on its axis and we are different than we were. We've known change is necessary. We've felt the boiling crucible yearning for a reaction. We want to move forward in time.... and then the screw loosens and we start to feel the forward momentum. We start to feel our country, our world, our universe, our society... lurch forward.

That moment is now. And thank you God for our ability to change.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tony Nomination update

Megan Mullally was ROBBED! The end.

Monday, May 12, 2008